by Experience, Dedication, Results | Nov 25, 2008
GPS: GROWING PRIVACY SCARE. GPS is ubiquitous. I use it to track my walks, runs, and bike rides. It records my pace, total distance, altitude variations, and produces a graphic map of my completed route. I can take iPhone pictures along my route and tag points on...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Sep 18, 2008
Subtitle: What’s Wong with Quon? What do police officers do after finishing off a few donuts? Well, this one idled away his time by sending sexually explicit text messages on his Department provided text pager. When his commanding officer checked the...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Jul 14, 2008
This could be the beginning of a dark thriller. A nursing home worker wears a knife concealed under her closing. The employee is part of a group that requires the knife to be worn at all times. A number of mysterious deaths occur at the nursing home. But no, the...