by Experience, Dedication, Results | Feb 15, 2010
Dwight Schrute of “The Office”: a total suck ass with no social skills you might say. Yet Dwight has utility. The perennial outsider may stimulate more penetrating ideas and require better debate in the workplace just because, occasionally, he may have, by...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Feb 13, 2010
Here are some thoughts by psychologist Batya Ludman (with some of my own added): 1. You are the product. Package yourself to sell. 2. Rework your resume to showcase your strengths. Market yourself. 3. Be flexible! Show adaptability and learn new skills. Your old job...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Feb 12, 2010
James Russell Lowell was a great American Essayist and Poet of the 19th Century, and a contemporary of Abraham Lincoln. The following are excerpts, one line only for each extraordinarily long paragraph of Lowell’s long essay: “Abraham Lincoln 1864-1865.” 1. Men might...