by Experience, Dedication, Results | Jun 28, 2011
There was a time when people didn’t realize how they could hang themselves with emails. That was long ago, before corporate executives went to jail based on impulsive emails admitting their nefarious intentions. Now corporations have standard...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Jun 27, 2011
No, not the Beltway or the Chicago loop, and no, not even Boston, but the social media loop. In searching for an efficient way to post one entry to reach all media, I failed to disable come existing loops between media, such as Twitter & FB. I...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Jun 27, 2011
An employee was fired because she sat next to her boss at a public School Board meeting to decide whether her boss was to be fired. That’s it. There was no evidence she was disruptive or likely to cause trouble. She was fired because she...