by Experience, Dedication, Results | Feb 23, 2015
Are you being misclassified as an Independent Contractor? Why does the question matter? Because if you are misclassified as an independent contractor, you could be losing important legal protections and benefits. Overview This article covers four related...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Feb 22, 2015
Introduction. Inside & Outside Commissioned Sales Exemptions are complex, and present traps for the unsophisticated employee. The outside sales exemption is a hard reality for many. Outside sales people working on commission only are exempt from minimum wage....
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Feb 19, 2015
Bad job references present a problem – what to say when fired. Bad references can hobble contenders in a competitive race for jobs. My clients often ask: What am I to say to new employers about being fired? Generally, the less you discuss the bad job...