by Experience, Dedication, Results | Jul 27, 2018
Final Paycheck is Due Immediately on Termination Jasmine’s rent was due and she still had not received her final paycheck. During the days before being fired, she’d been working long hours with little sleep and poor nutrition to meet deadlines. She was...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Jul 17, 2018
Sexual Harassment Charges Shake High Places There are times of cultural shift that demand a new perception of right and wrong. That time is upon us with an avalanche of fallen celebrities, political figures, and corporate executive and government officials. And this...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Jul 16, 2018
INDEPENDENT CONTRACTOR? ONE PAINTER’S FICTIONAL ACCOUNT Jake paints houses. He has been doing this work for 20 years, and he’s getting a bit stiff in the joints. He’s also been getting a bit stiff smoking joints during business hours. But, why worry. Jake’s...