by Experience, Dedication, Results | Dec 22, 2011
A society that fails to protect its children from other children has two problems: the child as aggressor and the child as victim. When my white middle class daughter was routinely harassed by out of control middle school boys during her formative...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Dec 19, 2011
The term “holiday” derives from its medieval source of “holy day.” “Holy” itself refers in its origin to “set apart” and “perfect.” These “holidays” are for many neither perfect nor...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Dec 16, 2011
If a disability has delayed an individual’s ability to obtain needed certification to work as a teacher, does the employer have a duty to accommodate the employee to allow him to obtain the certification? The Nintch Circuit Court of Appeals Court has ruled...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Dec 16, 2011
A heart a dayCan’t think of anything more socially dangerous than a heartless lawyer, especially in my practice of employment law representing hurt people. This creative site is built on a theme of hearts–all in all not a bad theme for life itself,...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Dec 14, 2011
Here is my comment to the article: “Ten Things Only Bad Managers Say” from Business Week Magazine: This is a well crafted article based on real experience. I see hundreds of performance reviews and manager emails in my practice, and I attest to the...
by Experience, Dedication, Results | Dec 1, 2011
A High-Toned Old Christian Woman Poetry is the supreme fiction, madame. Take the moral law and make a nave of it And from the nave build haunted heaven. Thus, The conscience is converted into palms, Like windy citherns hankering for hymns. We...